Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Super Sandwich Making

This half term year three have been learning all about healthy eating. This has included learning about the three food groups and what makes a balanced meal.

Last week we designed, planned and made our very own healthy sandwiches using a mixture of different ingredients. We all tasted them and looked at how healthy and tasty they were. All of the children really enjoyed making and, of course, tasting their sandwiches.

Here are some pictures of the children in action.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Year 4 rugby rampage!

This half term in PE Year 4 are learning how to play tag rugby. So far we have learnt how to put on the tag rugby belts (which produced some very confused faces), we have played games that entail taking each others tags and we have learnt how to hold and pass the rugby ball. Our photos show how successful both classes have been in these activities! Look at the determination and enjoyment on the children's faces!

Next step...to play small sided games of tag rugby!