Friday, 14 February 2020

Global Citizenship Day

Learning About Uganda

 Today, the Junior school took part in our annual Global Citizenship Day where we thought about our role as global citizens and found out about Uganda and some of its art and culture, in comparison to our own. 

Children in Year 3 were introduced to our link school and its location in Uganda. Following this, they created their own Ugandan flag and learnt some African drumming. They also spent some time looking at African artwork and created their own using oil pastels.

In Year 4, children looked at village life before writing postcards to the Child Promotion School to tell them what life is like in Aldershot. They also took part some in African games and created their own African masks using a range of colours and patterns.

During the day year 5, created videos or PowerPoints that showed what a day was like in our school; these will then be sent to our link school. They also learnt some African dance moves before creating their own sequences. To end the day they learnt the language of Luganda and how to communicate at the Child Promotion School.

Year 6 focussed on the landscape and location of Africa, recreating their own maps of Uganda that showed the key features. They spent their morning using their knowledge to create savannah artwork either on paper or on canvases. Finally, the researched the animals that they would see if they went on safari out there and created a fact file about them.

The children also came in wearing mufti with the colours of the Ugandan flag: black, red, yellow and white. We managed to raise £306.80 and this will go towards by educational resources for our link school in Uganda. Thank you for supporting this cause. 

Take a look at our pictures from the day to see what of what we got up to.

Friday, 7 February 2020


Year 6 Greek Day

Today our year 6 children have been taking part in another fantastic Greek Day. Like in previous years, the children were able to make a range of Greek dishes and sample these. The children were able to make a Greek salad with feta cheese and tzatziki. There was nothing left over so we assume that the children enjoyed what they tasted. 

Over in the other classrooms, the children were busy making their clay mythical beast sculptures which they have been designing in their art lessons. These are looking really good ahead of painting next week. You may catch a glimpse of some of them during parents evening and they will be bringing them home at the end of next week.

Sadly, our Greek Workshop Drama Group did not make the day so instead the teachers held a Greek Olympics in the hall where the children competed in groups as different city states. The children had to complete a number of challenges to see which city state came out as the most powerful. 

A fun day was had by all and we are looking forward to seeing the mythical beasts finished.