The school council would like to say a huge thank you to all the pupils and parents who supported the cake sale during the home learning exhibition afternoon. A fantastic array of homemake cakes, muffins, cookies arrived at school to be sold as a way of raising funds for the school. The idea originated from the regular school council meetings, in which all class
councillors bring ideas/suggestions for discussion on issues that are important to pupils in the school.
After viewing the wonderful class projects, pupils and parents made their way to the school hall where the tea/cake stall was manned by Year 5 volunteers from Mrs Fieldgate's maths group. Lord Alan Sugar himself would have been impressed with the amazing selling skills of Newport pupils. At the end of the afternoon every cake had been sold! (An achievement some of those budding TV apprentices often fail to achieve in the selling challenges!) .
An amazing £133.27 was raised which is being shared between funds for the school and a school supported charity . Many thanks to all the cake suppliers and wonderful customers who supported this school event.
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