Saturday 12 May 2012

Hockey Tournament

On wednesday, year 6 children, from both classes, took part in the final hockey tournament at Aldershot and Farnham Hockey Club. Despite the rain and slippery astro turf, the children remained positive about their matches. They all played in different positions and dominated all of their matches. However, not one of their goals (especially Joanna's ten shots at goal) would go in! Unfortunately, the oposition sneeked a goal in within the final two minutes of each match. Newport ended up loosing 3 matches and drew 1. They all played really well and our luck was just not with us on the day. Thank to all the parents who came and supported the children in the cold, wet weather. Well done to Joanna Seaman, Brook Colton, Edward Hamill, Ashma Gurung, Ryan Clark, Maisie Renton, Rohil Thakali and Bethany Clarke.

Miss Cooke

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