Saturday, 16 March 2019

Butser Farm!

Yesterday, Year 3 spent a blustery but thoroughly enjoyable day at Butser Ancient Farm! We started the day learning about how the Celts lived in the roundhouses, by using all of the knowledge that they had learnt from the Iron Age. We then moved onto a Roman Villa where the children could compare the two. Although the villa was a lot finer, with underfloor heating and windows, it was a lot colder which shocked many of the children. We also learnt the differences in how the Romans went to the toilet. Many liked the idea of going together and squatting, whilst playing some social games. Mrs Major and Miss Cooke did not like the idea of this and would prefer to do our business in the privacy of a Celtic toilet with a hole in the ground and a homemade shelter! The children loved making some Roman mosaics and made some superb patterns. Our second session saw us making some beautiful jewellery using copper and pliers. I hope the children's masterpieces made it back in one piece! After lunch, which we enjoyed around the fire in the middle of the roundhouse, we learnt how to do some chalk carving. The children used leaves to die the sides of their rocks and then drew some animal figures using flint. Finally, we made our own fences by doing some wattling. The children worked extremely well despite the wind and built some amazing fences to keep the animals (or children) in. Have a look at just some of our amazing pictures showing how much fun we had!

Miss Cooke

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