Monday 1 June 2020

The Covid Letters

Good morning all,

I hope you all had a lovely half term break in the sunshine.

As the year 6 children are not in school today (but we are looking forward to seeing them tomorrow!), I have a lovely little task that they could participate in. Hampshire CAMHS need your help! They are looking to compile a book of letters written by young people about their experiences during the coronavirus lockdown. It could be a letter to their future selves, a loved one or an open letter about something they want to say.

If you do write a contribution, you can email it to Please title the message 'Covid letters FAO Helen Dove'. You need to include your child's name, age and contact details.

Please note that they may not be able to include all submissions, and they may ask for parents to submit consent to share the work.

Submissions need to be received by October 10th 2020 so you have plenty of time.

You may want to consider the following the questions in your letter:
  • How long have you been in lockdown for?
  • Can you remember your first thought when you heard schools were closing? Were you thrilled? Concerned? Frightened? Why?
  • What about your feelings when you heard we were going into lockdown?
  • What do you miss most? What do you not miss at all?
  • How have your feelings changed during lockdown?
  • What is a day in your life during lockdown?
  • What have been your highlights of lockdown? 
  • What have been the most difficult aspects of lockdown?
  • How have yours and your families lives changed since lockdown?
  • What have you found out about yourself during lockdown that you didn't know before? E.g. are you more easily bored than you thought?
  • How have you kept yourself happy during lockdown?
  • How have you managed to stay in touch with your family and friends?
  • How do you feel about the Government's decisions during the coronavirus pandemic?
  • Looking back, would you have done anything differently during lockdown?
  • What will you remember most about this moment in history?
Remember to start your letter with who you are writing to; it could be a loved one, your 30-year-old self or to whom it may concern and to write in paragraphs!

Sadly, this will be my last daily blog as from tomorrow I will be back working with the year 6 children in school but thank you all for reading and I hope you have enjoyed the activities. It has been great to be able to reach out to some of you while the school has been closed.

To the year 6 children who are back in school tomorrow, we are excited to see you! And to those year 6 children who are remaining at home, don't worry we haven't forgotten you! You will still be receiving a home learning pack each week via Parentmail and we will be in contact with you soon!

Miss Parker

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