Friday 7 February 2020


Year 6 Greek Day

Today our year 6 children have been taking part in another fantastic Greek Day. Like in previous years, the children were able to make a range of Greek dishes and sample these. The children were able to make a Greek salad with feta cheese and tzatziki. There was nothing left over so we assume that the children enjoyed what they tasted. 

Over in the other classrooms, the children were busy making their clay mythical beast sculptures which they have been designing in their art lessons. These are looking really good ahead of painting next week. You may catch a glimpse of some of them during parents evening and they will be bringing them home at the end of next week.

Sadly, our Greek Workshop Drama Group did not make the day so instead the teachers held a Greek Olympics in the hall where the children competed in groups as different city states. The children had to complete a number of challenges to see which city state came out as the most powerful. 

A fun day was had by all and we are looking forward to seeing the mythical beasts finished.

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