Thursday 26 June 2014

Newport SOCOs solve baffling case!

Today some pupils from Newport got a taste of what it is really like to be a  scenes of crime officer (SOCO)  or crime scene investigator(CSI).  As part of the Rushmoreable programme coordinated by Mrs Fieldgate, the children were given a fabulous  "hands on" opportunity to learn about the  key forensic techniques used to locate, record and recover evidence from crime scenes such as  chromatography, fingerprint identification, alongside footprint and chemical analysis . Dressed from head to toe in  the protective clothing needed to avoid disturbing evidence, the young SOCOs were briefed about the crime (The theft of a lap top from a staff room), visited the actual crime scene and then given a raft of evidence to sift through.
"It really made you feel as if you were really were a SOCO", commented Pippa. Jack appreciated that the evidence had to be carefully analysed, " I had to make sure there were no absolutely no loose ends so the right person would be prosecuted for the crime!" . Brianna liked the very practical nature of this very important job.

Ipads were used to present the SOCO's findings , take pictures without disturbing the crime scene and taking notes whilst analysing results back in the laboratory. After a busy morning, the criminal was successfully identified by each of the teams and a folder of overwhelming evidence presented. A big thank you to Tower Hill Primary for hosting this wonderful workshop.


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